Become a Part of the USA Rescue Lovers community today!!

Dear friend, would you like to be a part of a fun community of dog-lovers dedicated to helping the 670,000 shelter dogs being put down every single year?

We do, that's why we started USA Rescue Lovers Community, to create a company and a fun community of dog-lovers dedicated to spreading information and education about the plight of rescue dogs and support shelters as they keep dogs alive long enough to find them loving homes.   56% of shelter dogs end up being put down with hardly any time to find a new family, it's time for that to change!

In addition to providing the community,  and sharing/promoting information on the importance of adoption, our business donates 30% of profits to promote adoption through our giveaways, paid promotion of adoption related content, as well as provide financial support to shelters, rescues, and related organizations to help support rescue dogs while they look for a new family.  We are currently working on building out an "etail" store where you can purchase dog food, supplies, and toys, knowing that a portion of profits will be donated directly to shelters!

With members like you, we can spread the word to help people understand the importance of pet adoption and support our furry friends long enough to find a loving home!  Click below to join our fun community of Rescue Puppy Supporters and help us save lives!
Copyright 2020 (c) - USA Dog Rescue, LLC - All Rights Reserved
*Despite the charitable nature of the focus of our community and 30% allocation of profits to support shelters and promote adoption, USA Dog Rescue is a for-profit business. As a for-profit entity, transactions are not tax deductible.  Read more about our use of funds in our Terms and Conditions.